
Giovanni Barone-Adesi & Kostas Giannopoulos

Giovanni Barone-Adesi
Giovanni Barone-Adesi Photograph
Kostas Giannopoulos
Photo of Professor Kostas Giannopoulos

Professor Giovanni Barone-Adesi is a professor of finance theory at Instutute of Finance, Lugano since October 1998, and director of the Ticino section of the Swiss Finance Institute. He was professor of finance (Pocklington Chair) at the University of Alberta in Canada. After graduating in electrical engineering in Padua he continued his studies at the University of Chicago, where he earned his MBA and PhD with Myron Scholes in the Business School.

He has also taught at the University of Texas at Austin, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and the City University of London.

Professor Kostas Giannopoulos is the head of the Finance and Banking at Neapolis University in Cyprus.

Professor Giannopoulos holds a laureate in Banking and Economics from the University of Siena, a Masters in Banking and Finance from the University of Wales and a PhD in Finance from the London Guildhall University.

email: ku.oc.oohay@onnaig_satsok

fax 0044 870 76 23 323

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